I was stalking Ashley's blog and laughed so hard I spat my drink out - she said she looks like a bag of crushed ass holes xD o-o.
Awh, I Just realised how like dark and depressing my blog looks, I need to make it cute and colourful, I shall start on that after le post! *-*
I've actually been posting more on my yt than my blog, which is strange for me, because usually it just seem so daunting and effort .-.
you feel D:<
But idek I posted like a few video's I even made fucking thumbnails, lookat me trying to be cool xD
I feel bad for making this edit for Ellie, it looks so sad and I need to re-make for her *-*
Another thing on my to-do list than will more than 100% never get done :3
And thisss *O*
I found out how to do this and like shat myself a lil and was just there like
holy fuck, I shall share this so people think I know what Im doing! ^0^
Honestly though I figured it out by pure mistake, I was being my usual potato self trying to figure out what the fuck to do, more like how the hell to make an artbook look good, and yeah on thing led to another thing, and boom xD
Figured out a little nifty trick ;)
Also, I shat myself again
(shitting myself is something that's becoming something I shouldn't be saying so often)
But pretty much if you guys have been around for like a few years you'll remember the shit face
Lmao jk she not a shit face.
Just a hoeee ._.
Well she logged on and I was like
Or something along those lines xD
Alsooo I need to change le music on my blog, pmsl there' s no consistancy o-o
Or I could just do a Vee thing and add more music.
Hopefully by le next update I was have some swanky ass blog for all you guys to be like holy reibfgdns, over xD, you feel c;
These may be somewhat useful some day or sometime in your life;
Simblr; http;//little-bee-sims.tumblr.com
Personal Tumblr; http://www.stupidlydumb.tumblr.com
Twitter; @Veeeeeritty
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