
Tuesday, 4 February 2014

What on earth o-o

I know, I know.

Now, I know what you're thinking.

"What the fuck happened here?!".

Honestly, as am I.

My mind set at the time was to actually invest some time into giving my blog a new theme, yanno 'let  my hair down a little'.

Downside to the new layout I have concocted.

I have messed around to the extent, I can not longer show off ones new and swanky blog banner. Its too big or something, so I'm stuck with my old one, I mean I don't hate it but, eh.

Its oldd news *-*.

I'll probably end up changing it back because it will irritate the hell out of me

The new theme was even accustom to the upcoming holiday D:

I'm pretty proud of it.
But then, I'm not.
I'm too judgemental of my work *silently ugly cries*

Also Saboo sent me this.
And my poor, little, black soulless heart was touched.
Very, very touched.

Feedback on ones theme would be oh so appreciated.

- Adiós 

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